A bioreactor is a type of fermentation vessel used to produce a wide range of chemicals and biological reactions. It's a closed container with enough aeration, agitation, temperature, and pH control, as well as a drain or overflow vent for removing the waste biomass of cultured microorganisms and their products. Bioreactors are used to produce biomass, metabolites, and antibiotics, among other things. A bioreactor's design and manner of operation are determined by the organism's production, the optimum conditions required for intended product formation, product value, and scale of production. A good bioreactor design will aid in increasing production and delivering higher-quality products at cheaper costs. Bioreactor development dates back to ancient cultures' use of microbes to ferment and enhance foods and beverages. Bioreactors have been widely used in a variety of fields since the invention of submerged fermentation, including cell culture and tissue engineering in the healthcare sector, wastewater treatment in the environmental protection sector, the production of high-value pharmaceuticals and bulk chemicals in industrial biotechnology, and even the cultivation of algae for oxygen generation in space exploration. Bioreactors of various types have been widely used in environmental protection. The creation of novel bioreactor geometries and process control strategies, as well as the growth of the physical structure of the control system, was spurred by strong demand in the field.
Title : Graphene, butterfly structures, and stem cells: A revolution in surgical implants
Alexander Seifalian, Nanotechnology & Regenerative Medicine Commercialisation Centre, London NW1 0NH, United Kingdom
Title : Eliminating implants infections with nanomedicine: Human results
Thomas J Webster, Interstellar Therapeutics, United States
Title : Precision in cartilage repair: Breakthroughs in biofabrication process optimization
Pedro Morouco, Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal
Title : Biodistribution and gene targeting in regenerative medicine
Nagy Habib, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Title : Innovative educational strategies in tissue engineering: Integrating research into higher education
Laurie Mans, University of Applied Biosciences Leiden, Netherlands
Title : Keratin-TMAO wound dressing promote tissue recovery in diabetic rats via activation of M2 macrophages
Marek Konop, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland