Bone has the ability to regenerate as part of the healing process after an injury, as well as during skeletal development and ongoing remodelling throughout adulthood. In order to optimize skeletal repair and restore skeletal function, bone regeneration is composed of a well-orchestrated series of biological events of bone induction and conduction, involving a variety of cell types and intracellular and extracellular molecular-signaling pathways, with a definable temporal and spatial sequence, involving a number of cell types and intracellular and extracellular molecular-signalling pathways. The most common form of bone regeneration in the clinical context is fracture healing, which mimics the normal embryonic skeletogenesis pathway, including intramembranous and endochondral ossification. Bone tissue engineering (BTE) has been around for about three decades. The BTE discipline has witnessed enormous growth in interest and progress over the years, with an exponentially increasing number of papers and reviews published. BTE is a field that focuses on alternative therapy methods that, in theory, will eliminate the previously mentioned difficulties with currently employed clinical therapies (i.e., donor site morbidity, limited availability, immune rejection, and pathogen transfer). To attain the ultimate aim of developing bone grafts that improve bone repair and regeneration, BTE requires the collaboration of scientists, engineers, and surgeons.
Title : Graphene, butterfly structures, and stem cells: A revolution in surgical implants
Alexander Seifalian, University of London, United Kingdom
Title : Eliminating implants infections with nanomedicine: Human results
Thomas J Webster, Interstellar Therapeutics, United States
Title : Precision in cartilage repair: Breakthroughs in biofabrication process optimization
Pedro Morouco, Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal
Title : Biodistribution and gene targeting in regenerative medicine
Nagy Habib, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Title : Innovative educational strategies in tissue engineering: Integrating research into higher education
Laurie Mans, University of Applied Biosciences Leiden, Netherlands
Title : Keratin-TMAO wound dressing promote tissue recovery in diabetic rats via activation of M2 macrophages
Marek Konop, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland