Tissue engineering and reconstructive plastic surgery use common denominators to fix, improve, and sustain tissues and their functions. This can be accomplished by the use of autologous tissues in the form of flaps or transplants. Autologous tissue, on the other hand, is not always usable. This is one of the reasons for the growing interest in tissue engineering among plastic surgeons, which has resulted in beneficial cross-fertilizations between the areas. Tissue engineering is an interdisciplinary field that applies engineering and biological science ideas to the development of biologic substitutes that preserve, restore, or improve tissue functions. Tissue equivalents can be created for both clinical and in vitro testing purposes. For a variety of fundamental and practical reasons, the development of in vitro screening systems based on human cells and tissues has lately accelerated. First and foremost, there are ethical considerations to keep the number of test animals to a bare minimum.
Title : 30,000 nano implants in humans with no infections, no loosening, and no failures
Thomas J Webster, Interstellar Therapeutics, United States
Title : Comparison of the clinical efficacy of platelet-rich plasma and artificial dermis in the treatment of fingertip defects
Haidong Liang, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, China
Title : Integrating planar and non-planar layers for optimized bioprinted scaffold structures with controlled porosity
Laura Perez Sanchez, Vicomtech Foundation, Spain
Title : Potential of articular cartilage resident progenitor in the field of cartilage regeneration
Elizabeth Vinod, Christian Medical College, India
Title : Connections between modern physics and practice regenerative medicine
Marco Polettini, DVM, Italy
Title : Personalized and Precision Medicine (PPM) as a unique healthcare model to secure the human healthcare, wellness and biosafety: Through the view of cell-based therapy and rehabilitation
Sergey Suchkov, The Russian University of Medicine and The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Federation