Tissue regeneration refers to the partial regeneration of an organism's tissue that has been injured by external stimuli. It grows the same structure and function as the missing portion based on the remaining part. Tissue regeneration is the term for this type of repair. Epithelial tissue regeneration, fibrous tissue regeneration, cartilage tissue and bone tissue regeneration, blood vessel regeneration, muscle tissue regeneration, and nerve tissue regeneration are all examples of tissue regeneration. Tissue regeneration is projected to be employed in the treatment of many damaged diseases in tissues as a hot topic in clinical research, however the specific process has to be investigated further. The fact that differentiated tissues cannot be dedifferentiated and re-entered into the cell cycle for proliferation is thought to be the reason why mammals cannot undertake progressive regeneration. The primary purpose of tissue regeneration research is to gain knowledge that will help to expand the field of regenerative medicine. Evidence to encourage stem cell activity, structural engineering of improved scaffolds, or direct start of biologic regeneration programs are all examples of this knowledge. Scientists have already figured out how to manipulate and influence critical events in regeneration for medicinal purposes.
Title : 30,000 nano implants in humans with no infections, no loosening, and no failures
Thomas J Webster, Interstellar Therapeutics, United States
Title : Comparison of the clinical efficacy of platelet-rich plasma and artificial dermis in the treatment of fingertip defects
Haidong Liang, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, China
Title : Integrating planar and non-planar layers for optimized bioprinted scaffold structures with controlled porosity
Laura Perez Sanchez, Vicomtech Foundation, Spain
Title : Potential of articular cartilage resident progenitor in the field of cartilage regeneration
Elizabeth Vinod, Christian Medical College, India
Title : Connections between modern physics and practice regenerative medicine
Marco Polettini, DVM, Italy
Title : Personalized and Precision Medicine (PPM) as a unique healthcare model to secure the human healthcare, wellness and biosafety: Through the view of cell-based therapy and rehabilitation
Sergey Suchkov, The Russian University of Medicine and The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Russian Federation