Repair, as opposed to regeneration, requires "patching" rather than "restoring" tissue components. The quantity of regeneration vs. repair that happens is determined by the cells' proliferative capacity, the stromal framework's integrity, and the duration of the damage and inflammatory response. Tissue repair (TR) is the process of a tissue's compensatory regeneration after a surgical, mechanical, or chemical insult, resulting in the tissue's structure and function being restored. The implementation of treatment models that have become an established part of everyday practice is enabled by current understanding of certain of the tissue repair mechanisms. Management of the inflammatory process, cell proliferation (excessive or defective), and extracellular matrix (ECM) remodelling are all part of the healing process. Repair, as opposed to regeneration, requires "patching" rather than "restoring" tissue components. The quantity of regeneration vs. repair that happens is determined by the cells' proliferative capacity, the stromal framework's integrity, and the duration of the damage and inflammatory response. Tissue repair is a dynamic process that prevents injury from progressing to organ failure and death. It is influenced by species, strain, age, and other individual features. Tissue repair has been shown to increase in a dose-dependent way until a dosage threshold is reached. Low to moderate doses accelerate tissue healing, but as the dose increases, the onset becomes more delayed. As a result, at doses above a specific threshold, the tissue healing response is both too small and too late to stop the injury from progressing.
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