In the last five years, the field of dentistry research has grown at an exponential rate. The basic goal of research is to generate new knowledge or to find innovative ways to make existing knowledge more accessible to people who require it. Clinical practise should be established on the basis of scientific evidence. Although material and laboratory research are important, clinical research is not being used to support its translation into clinical practise. Research is a methodical strategy to understanding, documenting, analysing, and reporting uncommon clinical observations that dentists encounter in everyday clinical practise, not a discrete specialty practised by a few.
Important Alert:
Title : Dental consideration in patients under bisphosphonate and radiotherapy: Systematic review
Lujain Al Sahman, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Title : Prevent-a-thon: Ditching old tricks for new kicks in dental care!
Laura Martin Bettencourt , L'Diamante Dental Coaching, United States
Title : Prevent-a-thon: Ditching old tricks for new kicks in dental care!
Danielle Avila, L'Diamante Dental Coaching, United States
Title : New advances in Smylist dentistry
Ajay Kakar, Smylist, India
Title : Development and implementation of digital technologies for assessing the state of the dental system and assessing its deviations from normal parameters
Daniil Kaplan, Russian University of Medicine, Russian Federation
Title : Comparison of shear bond strength of rebonded stainless steel brackets with three different enamel surface conditioning methods
Saba Safarzadeh, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Iran (Islamic Republic of)