Materials science teaches us about the materials that things are made of and how they act. Materials engineering demonstrates how to apply knowledge to create and improve products. Materials science and engineering fuels innovation in everything from aircraft to health, in both research and industry. All other science and engineering disciplines rely on it.
Sustainable chemistry is critical for increasing energy efficiency in all types of buildings, including new construction and renovation projects. Advanced materials such as thermal insulation foams and panels for both internal and external use, coatings that either reflect heat or light, phase change materials that provide thermal inertia/storage for buildings and aid temperature control, and highly energy efficient lighting such as Organic Light-emitting Diodes are all examples of energy efficient building solutions (OLED). Materials that enable the integration of solar panels in buildings, resources that enable lightweight constructions, and the integration of renewable and biobased materials in construction products are also being investigated by the industry.
Title : Advances in plasma-based waste treatment for sustainable communities
Hossam A Gabbar, Ontario Tech University, Canada
Title : Using green chemistry routes to fabricate green n-type organic semiconductors for the transistor construction
Cristian Ravariu, Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, Romania
Title : Empowering communities: Green chemistry and renewable energy for a sustainable development
Helena Belchior Rocha, ISCTE-Institituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal
Title : An overview of Australia's sustainability opportunities and challenges
Tomayess Issa, Curtin University, Australia
Title : Sustainable solutions for end-of-life bifacial photovoltaic panels: Paving the way for circular economy
Chitra Sulkan, Elecsome Pty Ltd, Australia
Title : Valorization of alginic acid from sargassum for bioplastics
Anthony Fasulo, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada
Title : Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents (NADESs) deconstruction of advanced bioenergy crops to enhance recovery of lipids and sugars
Tirath Raj, University of Illinois Urbana Chaimpaign, United States
Title : Integration of Parabolic Trough Collectors (PTC) in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOEC) for green hydrogen production
Ahmet Lokurlu, CEO, Germany
Title : Functionalization of lignin-derived monomers for polyurethane production
Rachele Carafa, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada
Title : Memory characteristics and crystallography of reversibility in shape memory alloys
Osman Adiguzel, Firat University, Turkey