Our eyes are our most precious sense. Our eyes are in use every day for every task. But chronic eye disease is becoming an epidemic for our aging generation. Dry eyes, macular degeneration, cataracts, diabetes and glaucoma, etc. are increasing and the numbers are expected to double in the next 20 years. The latest research is now showing how nutrition plays a role in how our eyes age and how it can affect these chronic diseases. Specific nutrients have been shown to accumulate in the ocular tissues and it’s more complicated than just “eat your carrots”. Nutrition for Vision: A Primer for Eye Health will show how to maintain good vision and keep eyes healthy throughout our lifetime. Attendees will learn about how the eye works and how it is affected by many of the same inflammatory diseases that affect other organ systems.
One key aspect here is that “the eyes are a part of the body”, so nutrition that affects all aspects of the body can affect the eyes as well. It is also obvious that the eyes are an extension of the brain, so nutrients that affect brain function can affect the eyes as well. We will discuss some basic dietary and nutritional concepts in a practical way. Lifestyle changes that can make a difference will be discussed as well. It has been well-documented that myopia, or nearsightedness has increased greatly since the pandemic. The association of near-viewing and myopia, as well as the issue of blue light exposure will be addressed.
Audience Take Away:
- The presentation will be sectioned off into specific diseases and how nutrients affect each disorder.
- The presentation will allow the attendees to interact with the clients eyecare professional on a deeper, more meaningful level.
- The information presented can be a basis for further research.
- The presentation will allow for easy access to nutrition information for specific disorders.