Will be Updated Soon....
The harmonization of health & nutrition claims in the global catering industry
The evolving health benefits of macular carotenoids - Emerging clinical evidence to support visual and cognitive performance during early childhood and for dry eye conditions
Functional foods alleviate behavioral alterations and improve GABAergic system regulating TLR-4/Nf-kb axis in valproic induced autism
Sports nutrition from a historical perspective
Industrial application opportunities of spectral techniques and artificial intelligence in determining the texture and astrigency properties of persimmon for product standardization
Evaluation of food addiction, depression and nutritional status of patients planned for bariatric surgery
On assessment of reliability and validity of child anthropometric measurements in India
Fish meal and its alternatives in fish feed to reduce the cost of production
Assessment of the impact of adherence to gluten-free diet and other determinants on quality of life in children, adolescents and adults with celiac disease using specific instruments
Nutritional deficiencies in Morocco: Achievements and perspectives
Development, optimization, and characterization of vitamin C-fortified oleogel-based chewable gels and a novel nondestructive analysis method for the vitamin C assay
Dietary total antioxidant capacity and risk of cancer
Exploring the importance of indigenous food systems and knowledge in South Africa: Creating accessible, nutritious products for all
Obesity and adherence to recommended fruit and vegetables intake among the HIV-positive population in Zambia
Defis a relever en afrique de l’ouest pour lutter contre les carences en micronutriments et reduire les deficits en produits alimentaires
Effects of meal energy density on anthropometric measurements, some metabolic parameters, and subjective appetite in Women
Impact of maternal nutrition on composition of follicular fluid
Nutritional status of children with cancer treated with D2O
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