Vintila Luliana, University ”Dunarea de Jos” Galati, Romania
The global catering industry increase in economic importance and young population preferences because its convenience, fashionable and accessible way of mass-feeding with standardized foods &beverages at average prices. The nutrition aspects involved by the complex structure [....]
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Healthy eating is linked with a range of favorable health outcomes. We have previously published the Food4HealthyLife model that estimated the impact of dietary changes on life expectancy but has not yet modeled disease-specific morbidities. The objective of this work was to summ [....]
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Deshanie Rai, OmniActive Health Technologies, United States
The macular carotenoids, lutein, RR-zeaxanthin, and RS-meso-zeaxanthin are widely recognized in supporting several aspects of vision performance through the lifecycle. Research over the past 200 plus years has lent credence to their biological plausibility based on their unique b [....]
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Athlete nutrition has evolved through the course of human history, shaped by environmental, cultural, and biological factors. During the Paleolithic era, humans led a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, relying on a diet rich in protein and natural foods. This nutritional model supported [....]
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Obesity is a chronic disease that is common all over the world and threatens public health globally. Options for treating obesity include lifestyle changes such as dietary changes and exercise, as well as drugs that cause body weight loss. Recently, surgical intervention options [....]
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Camel milk and goat milk have high nutritional and medicinal value, but their sensory characteristics can be unappealing to some consumers. In this study, we developed a novel yogurt product by combining camel milk, goat milk, thermophilic cultures and sweetened with dates. The r [....]
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Xuenan Li, Northeast Agricultural University, China
Atrazine (ATZ), a widely used and persistent environmental contaminant, poses significant risks to human health and food safety. Its association with cardiac fibrosis, oxidative stress, and aging phenotypes in cardiomyocytes is evident. Lycopene (LYC), a potent antioxidant from n [....]
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Feed is one of the most important input costs in aquaculture to run the fish farms. In a good aquaculture system, the difference between income and the gross profit is indicated by production costs. This implies that every aquaculture venture's financial success is determined [....]
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The Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) programme, launched in India in 1975 to combat child malnutrition, relies on accurate anthropometric measurements, as errors can undermine the impact of its services. This study evaluates the reliability and validity of child anthro [....]
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Wasting among Under-5 children is an important indicator of acute malnutrition, and is also a predictor of under-five mortality. A wasted child has increased risk of mortality as well as future episodes of stunting/wasting. In India, the prevalence of wasting is quite high as com [....]
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Gluten-free diet is a lonely lifelong management for patients with celiac disease, which may affect their quality of life (QoL). This can be evaluated by generic or specific instruments. We used a specific-CD instrument to Moroccan-Arabic version (M-CD-DUX), and then apply it to [....]
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Rjimati El Arbi, International University of Casablanca, Morocco
Morocco has considered the fight against micronutrient deficiencies as a priority for half a century. The various actions developed since 1972 have contributed to reducing the prevalence of these deficiencies and consequently lowering the level of maternal and infant morbidity an [....]
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Mannan Hajimahmoodi, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Chewable gels represent an excellent alternative to oral dosage forms, such as tablets and capsules, owing to their appealing appearance, easy swallowing, and attractive colors. Given the inherent instability of vitamin C, particularly within chewable gels, it is imperative to en [....]
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Hema Kesa, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
South Africa boasts a rich diversity of indigenous food crops with significant health-promoting properties, rooted in its cultural heritage. Historically, these crops have played a pivotal role in meeting nutritional needs and ensuring food security across the continent. However, [....]
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Globally, there is an increasing number of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) positive individuals living with excess weight, presented as overweight (BMI: 25.0 – 29.9 kg/m2) or obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2). The type of Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) may influence weight gain a [....]
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Soro Soronikpoho, Felix Houphouet Boigny University, Cote d'Ivoire
Africa's progress in reducing hunger and poverty has suffered significant setbacks in recent years. Multiple shocks, including global and regional conflicts and the impacts of pandemics, have increased the prevalence of undernutrition and child malnutrition. In addition, sign [....]
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In contemporary society, adult individuals tend to consume minimal amounts of food in the morning, shifting the majority of their energy intake to later in the day. Current dietary recommendations for body weight management generally rest on the assumption that the total energy i [....]
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Negative situations experienced by healthcare professionals, such as the increased workload, the anxiety of being infected and infecting the individuals around them, have led to negative emotions such as fear and stress. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the relationship be [....]
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Valproic acid (VPA) postnatal exposure in mice results in behavioral impairment, aberrant sensitivity to sensory stimuli, and self-harming behavior, hallmarks of autism. According to previous reports, Coriolus Versicolor (CV) has a protective effect on the brain. The goal of the [....]
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Yasin Ozdemir, Ataturk Horticultural Central Research Institute, Turkey
Separating fruits into groups according to ripeness, hardness or chemical properties before storing them for fresh consumption or processing them into a product can provide great advantages. Thus, in this study, research on determining the ripeness and chemical properties of pers [....]
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Seyed Reza Khatibi, Torbat Heydariyeh University of Medical Sciences, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
The prevalence of cancer has been increasing at an alarming rate in the recent decades. This chronic disease is associated with a high economic burden, disability, and early mortality. The cancer is the second leading cause of death behind cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, appr [....]
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Introduction: assessment of the nutritional status of pediatric cancer patients is crucial for optimizing treatment outcomes and improving survival rates. Malnutrition in these children is common due to factors such as the disease itself, treatment side effects and altered metabo [....]
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Lu Kang, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
The title of my report is "Research on the Healthy Management of Cucurbit Crops Based on Selenium Regulation", and it mainly be presented from the following four aspects. First, the function of selenium and its research progress. Second, the preparation and characteriza [....]
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Wine flavours are released when the beverage is poured into a glass, but how individuals perceive these flavours can differ due to various factors. These factors include differences in taste buds, olfactory sensitivity, allergies, smoking habits, and sensory memory. Additionally, [....]
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Mahfuza Akter, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences, Bangladesh
Background: Eating disorders (EDs) and their associated mental health problems are prevalent among adolescents in Bangladesh. This study investigated the association between EDs and mental health issues in school and college students in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Methods: A cross-sect [....]
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Demmouche Abbassia, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Aim: nutritional factors could have an influence on the quality of follicular fluid and consequently on the maturation and the oocyte quality.The objective is to study the impact of diet and obesity on the fertility of a population of Algerian women. Also, to establish thecorrela [....]
» Read More
Mycotoxin contamination is a universal agricultural problem and a critical health issue. Fumonisin B1 (FB1) is a kind of the most toxic and extensive fumonisins that exists in various products and foods. Lycopene (LYC) as a natural carotenoid is becoming increasingly favored owin [....]
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Title : The harmonization of health & nutrition claims in the global catering industry
Vintila Luliana, University ”Dunarea de Jos” Galati, Romania
The global catering industry increase in economic importance and young population preferences because its convenience, fashionable and accessible way of mass-feeding with standardized foods &beverages at average prices. The nutrition aspects involved by the complex structure [....] » Read More
Title : Summarizing background evidence for associations between food choices, morbidity and mortality: Using a systematic umbrella review framework
Lars Thore Fadnes, University of Bergen, Norway
Healthy eating is linked with a range of favorable health outcomes. We have previously published the Food4HealthyLife model that estimated the impact of dietary changes on life expectancy but has not yet modeled disease-specific morbidities. The objective of this work was to summ [....] » Read More
Title : The evolving health benefits of macular carotenoids - Emerging clinical evidence to support visual and cognitive performance during early childhood and for dry eye conditions
Deshanie Rai, OmniActive Health Technologies, United States
The macular carotenoids, lutein, RR-zeaxanthin, and RS-meso-zeaxanthin are widely recognized in supporting several aspects of vision performance through the lifecycle. Research over the past 200 plus years has lent credence to their biological plausibility based on their unique b [....] » Read More
Title : Sports nutrition from a historical perspective
Tuna Turgut, Bartın University, Turkey
Athlete nutrition has evolved through the course of human history, shaped by environmental, cultural, and biological factors. During the Paleolithic era, humans led a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, relying on a diet rich in protein and natural foods. This nutritional model supported [....] » Read More
Title : Evaluation of food addiction, depression and nutritional status of patients planned for bariatric surgery
Esra Koseler Beyaz, Baskent University, Turkey
Obesity is a chronic disease that is common all over the world and threatens public health globally. Options for treating obesity include lifestyle changes such as dietary changes and exercise, as well as drugs that cause body weight loss. Recently, surgical intervention options [....] » Read More
Title : Development of a novel yogurt product from camel and goat milk sweetened with dates
Benyahia FA, Mentouri Brothers University, Algeria
Camel milk and goat milk have high nutritional and medicinal value, but their sensory characteristics can be unappealing to some consumers. In this study, we developed a novel yogurt product by combining camel milk, goat milk, thermophilic cultures and sweetened with dates. The r [....] » Read More
Title : Sirtuin 3 is a major control point for lycopene preventing atrazine-induced cardiac senescence
Xuenan Li, Northeast Agricultural University, China
Atrazine (ATZ), a widely used and persistent environmental contaminant, poses significant risks to human health and food safety. Its association with cardiac fibrosis, oxidative stress, and aging phenotypes in cardiomyocytes is evident. Lycopene (LYC), a potent antioxidant from n [....] » Read More
Title : Fish meal and its alternatives in fish feed to reduce the cost of production
Oyas Ahmad Asimi, SKUAST K, India
Feed is one of the most important input costs in aquaculture to run the fish farms. In a good aquaculture system, the difference between income and the gross profit is indicated by production costs. This implies that every aquaculture venture's financial success is determined [....] » Read More
Title : On assessment of reliability and validity of child anthropometric measurements in India
Ritankar Chakraborty, International Institute for Population Sciences, India
The Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) programme, launched in India in 1975 to combat child malnutrition, relies on accurate anthropometric measurements, as errors can undermine the impact of its services. This study evaluates the reliability and validity of child anthro [....] » Read More
Title : Seasonal and annual trends in wasting among under-5 children in India: Results from multiple large scale national surveys
Ritankar Chakraborty, International Institute for Population Sciences, India
Wasting among Under-5 children is an important indicator of acute malnutrition, and is also a predictor of under-five mortality. A wasted child has increased risk of mortality as well as future episodes of stunting/wasting. In India, the prevalence of wasting is quite high as com [....] » Read More
Title : Assessment of the impact of adherence to gluten-free diet and other determinants on quality of life in children, adolescents and adults with celiac disease using specific instruments
Bourrahoaut, Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco
Gluten-free diet is a lonely lifelong management for patients with celiac disease, which may affect their quality of life (QoL). This can be evaluated by generic or specific instruments. We used a specific-CD instrument to Moroccan-Arabic version (M-CD-DUX), and then apply it to [....] » Read More
Title : Nutritional deficiencies in Morocco: Achievements and perspectives
Rjimati El Arbi, International University of Casablanca, Morocco
Morocco has considered the fight against micronutrient deficiencies as a priority for half a century. The various actions developed since 1972 have contributed to reducing the prevalence of these deficiencies and consequently lowering the level of maternal and infant morbidity an [....] » Read More
Title : Development, optimization, and characterization of vitamin C-fortified oleogel-based chewable gels and a novel nondestructive analysis method for the vitamin C assay
Mannan Hajimahmoodi, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Chewable gels represent an excellent alternative to oral dosage forms, such as tablets and capsules, owing to their appealing appearance, easy swallowing, and attractive colors. Given the inherent instability of vitamin C, particularly within chewable gels, it is imperative to en [....] » Read More
Title : Exploring the importance of indigenous food systems and knowledge in South Africa: Creating accessible, nutritious products for all
Hema Kesa, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
South Africa boasts a rich diversity of indigenous food crops with significant health-promoting properties, rooted in its cultural heritage. Historically, these crops have played a pivotal role in meeting nutritional needs and ensuring food security across the continent. However, [....] » Read More
Title : Obesity and adherence to recommended fruit and vegetables intake among the HIV-positive population in Zambia
Phoebe Albina Bwembya, University of Zambia, Zambia
Globally, there is an increasing number of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) positive individuals living with excess weight, presented as overweight (BMI: 25.0 – 29.9 kg/m2) or obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2). The type of Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) may influence weight gain a [....] » Read More
Title : Challenges to be addressed in West Africa to combat micronutrient deficiencies and reduce food deficits
Soro Soronikpoho, Felix Houphouet Boigny University, Cote d'Ivoire
Africa's progress in reducing hunger and poverty has suffered significant setbacks in recent years. Multiple shocks, including global and regional conflicts and the impacts of pandemics, have increased the prevalence of undernutrition and child malnutrition. In addition, sign [....] » Read More
Title : Effects of meal energy density on anthropometric measurements, some metabolic parameters, and subjective appetite in women
Beril Kose, Baskent University, Turkey
In contemporary society, adult individuals tend to consume minimal amounts of food in the morning, shifting the majority of their energy intake to later in the day. Current dietary recommendations for body weight management generally rest on the assumption that the total energy i [....] » Read More
Title : Evaluation of the relationship between fear of COVID-19 and emotional eating behavior of healthcare professionals
Esen Yesil, Baskent Universitesi, Turkey
Negative situations experienced by healthcare professionals, such as the increased workload, the anxiety of being infected and infecting the individuals around them, have led to negative emotions such as fear and stress. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the relationship be [....] » Read More
Title : Functional foods alleviate behavioral alterations and improve GABAergic system regulating TLR-4/Nf-kb axis in valproic induced autism
Marika Cordaro, University of Messina, Italy
Valproic acid (VPA) postnatal exposure in mice results in behavioral impairment, aberrant sensitivity to sensory stimuli, and self-harming behavior, hallmarks of autism. According to previous reports, Coriolus Versicolor (CV) has a protective effect on the brain. The goal of the [....] » Read More
Title : Industrial application opportunities of spectral techniques and artificial intelligence in determining the texture and astrigency properties of persimmon for product standardization
Yasin Ozdemir, Ataturk Horticultural Central Research Institute, Turkey
Separating fruits into groups according to ripeness, hardness or chemical properties before storing them for fresh consumption or processing them into a product can provide great advantages. Thus, in this study, research on determining the ripeness and chemical properties of pers [....] » Read More
Title : Dietary total antioxidant capacity and risk of cancer
Seyed Reza Khatibi, Torbat Heydariyeh University of Medical Sciences, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
The prevalence of cancer has been increasing at an alarming rate in the recent decades. This chronic disease is associated with a high economic burden, disability, and early mortality. The cancer is the second leading cause of death behind cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, appr [....] » Read More
Title : Nutritional status of children with cancer treated with D2O
Assia Elouari, IBN Tofeil University, Morocco
Introduction: assessment of the nutritional status of pediatric cancer patients is crucial for optimizing treatment outcomes and improving survival rates. Malnutrition in these children is common due to factors such as the disease itself, treatment side effects and altered metabo [....] » Read More
Title : Application of bio-stimulant Nano-Se in improving the quality and efficiency of fruits and vegetables
Lu Kang, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
The title of my report is "Research on the Healthy Management of Cucurbit Crops Based on Selenium Regulation", and it mainly be presented from the following four aspects. First, the function of selenium and its research progress. Second, the preparation and characteriza [....] » Read More
Title : The role of oral bacteria in the perception of wine flavor
Davide Frumento, RomaTre University, Italy
Wine flavours are released when the beverage is poured into a glass, but how individuals perceive these flavours can differ due to various factors. These factors include differences in taste buds, olfactory sensitivity, allergies, smoking habits, and sensory memory. Additionally, [....] » Read More
Title : Eating disorders and associated mental health problems among the students at selected schools and colleges in Dhaka city, Bangladesh
Mahfuza Akter, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences, Bangladesh
Background: Eating disorders (EDs) and their associated mental health problems are prevalent among adolescents in Bangladesh. This study investigated the association between EDs and mental health issues in school and college students in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Methods: A cross-sect [....] » Read More
Title : Impact of maternal nutrition on composition of follicular fluid
Demmouche Abbassia, Djillali Liabes University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Aim: nutritional factors could have an influence on the quality of follicular fluid and consequently on the maturation and the oocyte quality.The objective is to study the impact of diet and obesity on the fertility of a population of Algerian women. Also, to establish thecorrela [....] » Read More
Title : Lycopene alleviates fumonisin B1-induced chicken hepatocyte panoptosis by regulating SIRT1-mediated mitophagy
Yi Zhao, Northeast Agricultural University, China
Mycotoxin contamination is a universal agricultural problem and a critical health issue. Fumonisin B1 (FB1) is a kind of the most toxic and extensive fumonisins that exists in various products and foods. Lycopene (LYC) as a natural carotenoid is becoming increasingly favored owin [....] » Read More